quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2007

1º Encontro do Interaction Students

Esta foto foi tirada na D.E Bragança Paulista.
Início do Projeto Interaction Students...

segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2007

In Our Profession...

"Dreams that a man always dream, everywhere, in all seasons, sleeping or awakened."


"The teacher I hope to become"
I don't know
what sort of teacher I want to become
I want to be a different one
but I think
There are so many things to become
that I'd rather continuous being a walking teacher
Maibe I'd like to be
the teacher I am (at that future moment)
Thinking about
The teacher I hope to become

(Dilma M. de Mello
in Diamond,P. & Mullen-1999)